Emotional Eating Probability Score: 5M
Congrats, friend! By completing this quiz, you've shown your commitment to living your happiest, healthiest life by putting an end to emotional eating (it-sugar and refined carbs).
According to your responses, your Emotional Eating Probability Score is 5M, which means you have a moderate likelihood of being addicted to sugar and refined carbs in the sense that you practice emotional eating.

People that fall into this moderate level of emotional eating probability...
- Have had a really hard time trying to quit before, making you wonder if you're addicted to sugar and flour,
- Often indulge in emotional eating, which sabotages your efforts at getting a kickstart for weight loss or managing your condition through a specific dietary style,
- Dive in with the best intentions, but end up giving up after a week or two, because the pull from sugar, chocolate, or bread is strong enough that one emotional upset will lead you right back to it.
Your feelings are valid. And your cravings are real. That's why sugar deprogramming is best if you're at this level.
Sugar deprogramming is essential at this level. A sugar detox simply won't do it, and actually will make it worse. In fact, you may be at this level because you've tried to emotional eating by going cold-turkey with sugar and refined carbs multiple times without success.
It's not your fault that this keeps happening, but Sugar Deprogramming is the way forward.
During sugar deprogramming, I'll show you how to eliminate sugar in most forms, all grains, and higher glycemic fruits while increasing your vegetable, quality protein, and healthy fat intake. In the end-game you can expect to feel more energetic, less brain fog, and better able to manage your appetite (which helps if you're trying to lose weight.)
Most people are ready to break up with sugar because it's addicting, causes weight gain, and is highly inflammatory, but don't know where to start.
3 Easy tips for getting the most out of your time deprogramming from sugar...
1. Fill up on fiber
Fiber is your key to feeling full! Why? It takes a long time to digest, and high-fiber foods often have fewer calories than their low-fiber counterparts. On top of that, fiber can help control your blood sugar levels, reduce cholesterol, and keep you regular. During Sugar Deprogramming you'll find it in low-glycemic fruit and vegetables!
2. Clear out your cupboards
It's easy to eat clean when you're not constantly tempted by the high-sugar and flour snacks hiding in your cupboards. So sort through your cupboards and throw out whatever doesn't fit. Trust me, the time it takes will be worth it in the end!
3. Don't beat yourself up
Everybody indulges now and again, but after Sugar Deprogramming you won't feel the need to binge like you used to. You'll be eager to get back to your chosen dietary style because you remember how good it feels. Remember, you've got this

Slow your scroll, and let me introduce myself...
Hey there, I'm Laura Brigance I'm a Nutrition Specialist and Certified Health Coach with a Master of Science in Nutrition.
Not only am I a fanatic for the anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle, I'm also committed to finding the perfect anti-inflammatory dietary style that works for your unique body type--one-size-fits-all solutions are so not my cup of chamomile.
I also happen to be a recovered sugar addict, so when I talk about the struggles you're feeling and facing, I've been there, done that! (And overcome it using 4 very specific physical and emotional shifts!)
Are you ready to start deprogramming from sugar?
Get immediate access to my webinar: "5 Reasons Sugar Detoxes Fail and What to Do Instead"!
It'll explain...
- Exactly why people with your level of emotional eating probability repeatedly fail when they try to do a basic sugar detox,
- What Sugar Deprogramming is and why it works,
- And what the real solution is to finally break free of the hold sugar and refined carbs (ie-emotional eating) has on you for good!
Enter your name and email address to get immediate access!
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