QUIZ: What's Your Best Strategy for Eliminating Emotional Eating For Good?

Score yourself in this Cosmo-style quiz to see what the best strategy for YOUR body is to eliminate emotional eating for good!

Instructions: On a paper, write down the LETTER of each correct answer for you for each question. At the end, score the amount of each letter and find your Best Strategy based on which letter you scored the most of.

Ready? Let's go!

Question 1:

How often do you drink sodas or other sugary drinks?

A: Several per day to several per week.

B: A few times a month.

C: A few times a year, if ever.

Question 2:

Which best describes a typical breakfast for you?

A: A muffin, sugary cereal, or breakfast bar/cookie

B: A smoothie

C: Eggs (or other protein) with toast, avocado, or oatmeal

Question 3:

What does it look like when you intend to have 'just one bite' of a sugary snack, treat, or dessert?

A: 87 bites later I look up and realize I ate it all and more 😭

B: Eh...I end up taking a bit more than one bite usually

C: Seriously... one bite and I'm good

Question 4:

When feeling stressed or emotional do you...?

(There are 2 options for C on this one! 😉-->)

A: Reach for food to make you feel better (usually sugar or bread)

C: Find something to distract you like walking or listening to a podcast

C: Call a friend to talk through things

Question 5:

How's your level of guilt after eating something sugary or bread?

A: I devour the whole thing then feel major guilt afterwards

B: I eat it and look for other ways to compensate later and may feel a little guilty

C: I have a few bites and I'm fine

Question 6:

Which describes you best in terms of eating food in secret?

A: I eat them in secret to eat as much as I want without being judged

B: A few times a year I may drown my sorrows in a pint of Ben & Jerry's

C: I don't-- they're a part of a meal with family and friends or a once in a while treat

Question 7:

How would you describe your relationship with food made with flour?

A: Once I start it's extremely hard to stop

B: I may not eat it at every meal but I can usually have once slice or piece and stop

C: I don't usually eat foods made with flour

Question 8:

Would you describe your current health situation in relation to emotional eating as...

A: It's definitely a problem--I'm trying to manage a condition (prediabetes, diabetes, PCOS, inflammatory condition, autoimmune condition, etc).

B: I need/want to lose weight, so it's a bit of a problem.

C: Not a problem, per se; I just want to eat healthy for my overall health and wellness.

Let's check your scores!

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