Interested in the QUIT SUGAR CHALLENGE?

Here are the details...

1. The challenge will be in January (date TBD)

2. The challenge will be 1 week in length

3. The challenge will cost $20

4. By submitting your name and email 👉, you're not committing to anything. You're simply showing interest.

Enter your name and email to be notified of the date of the QUIT SUGAR CHALLENGE for January 2023. You'll be directed to a questionnaire to get more information immediately after. Can't wait to see ya in there!
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Hi! I'm Laura Brigance, MS, CHC

As a Nutrition Specialist and Certified Health Coach with a Master of Science in Nutrition (and mom with a crazy schedule), my mission is to help others master the Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Lifestyle without it taking over their lives

As a recovered sugar addict and lifelong sufferer of anxiety, depression, asthma, allergies, and thyroid issues, I wholly believe in the power of the anti-inflammatory diet on eliminating chronic inflammation to manage your conditions and feel like yourself again

It doesn't have to be complicated when you cut through the confusion.

I can't wait for you to start feeling amazing every day!

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