The Anti-Inflammatory Alchemy Program was designed to help you:

  • Find freedom from sugar and refined carbs by eliminating emotional eating
  • Pinpoint any food sensitivities with an elimination diet, complete with recipes and meal plan suggestions
  • Find your unique anti-inflammatory food blueprint by narrowing down your ideal match in terms of dietary style based on diagnosed condition/s and the results of your elimination diet
  • Integrate anti-inflammatory lifestyle choices (by implementing the CORE 4 pillars of wellness) to turbocharge your dietary efforts so you can nourish and thrive

**The Anti-Inflammatory Alchemy Program was originally conceived as an 8-week group program with digital access to course material, as well as weekly calls for Q&A and support.

However, in this ever-changing digital landscape, we feel a more comprehensive approach in the format of an annual membership may be a better fit for many people.

This option would include a full year of access to all digital courses, tools, resources, weekly calls, as well as the call replay recordings.

Please select which option appeals to you more when submitting your name and email so we can get a better idea of your needs. :) 

Thank you so much for your interest in the Anti-Inflammatory Alchemy Program! I can't wait to get to know you better!!

Enter your name and email below to get on the Anti-Inflammatory Alchemy Waitlist and know the minute it's open! 👇

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